Need some help motivating your kids?

This home learning center will help alleviate some of the stress during home learning.

Is home learning the equivalent of a root canal?

...Or maybe it's like a root canal without meds. Last spring, I felt this way too! It was hard. My kids were not motivated to complete their work. They kept arguing, and there were so many things going on in the house that distracted them. So, I decided we needed to make some changes this fall.

Get these FREE printables and step-by-step instructions for your home learning center!

I'm not saying our remote learning days are perfect, but we have experienced significant improvements with these learning centers. I'd love to send this FREE resource to you when it's ready.

Sign up for the Simply STEAM newsletter where I'll send you FREE resources every Friday - oh, and you'll get the printables for this helpful home learning center THIS Friday!

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